
If I wind....I can bring every single laugh and tears in the same way
Should I tell you like the same way when I was crying or laughing at that time?

Let's be a friend!!!

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DC 20xx

Detective Conan 20xx

Aku buat ini saking sebelnya sama Aoyama Gosho gara-gara mellow mlulu episodenya....sebel deh...sebel deh...
Aku tuh pingin banget liat episode yang ehm....bikin penggemarnya tuh bilang cie-cie-cie... bukannya...hiks-hiks-hiks....
oh, myy... oh myy....

Nine Tailed Fox

Nine Tailed Fox~Gumiho

Special buat anak-anak MYSTIC yang udah ngasih sejuta satu kenangan....



Bukannya aku plagiat lagunya Suju...cuma sekedar nyamain judul doang kok >,< ....kakakak.....
Temen-temenku pada langsung pingin ngremet tuh gambar sakg kerennya.... yang ngambar aja juga lagsung deg-degan liatya....gyahahahah

Remember You

Remember You

Gya.....like this picture....I got this sentences from my lovelly friend, Sinta....^^v
Sama kok latar belakangnya, berjuang setengah pingsan mengusir ngantuk di kampus filsafat tercintrong....hehehe

Remember You....kata-kata itu aku simpan khusus di noteku, mengingatkanku selalu kalau aku punya sahabat luar biasa yang masih stay cool di Solo sana ...dan mengingatkanku kembali untuk tak lagi dan tak lagi mengeluh soal apapun yang menjadi duri dalam hidupku. Yakin deh kalau ada Allah punya jalan terbaik dan paling menarik untuk dilakonin... *smile*

Under Rain

Under Rain

Ini gambarku waktu aku ngantuk gilak di kampus filsafat tercinta.....kakaka.... Ketimbang aku ngerasa bersalah sama dosenku yang sudah sepuh dengan meninggalkannya tidur...mendingan aku nyoret-nyoret sambil berjuang  dengan pensil runcing buat nangkep apa tuh yang disampein Pak Dosen ^^

Under Rain.... Kadang hujan itu emang nyebelin buat sebagian orang. Nggak ngeringin jemuran, baju basah, masuk angin, dll, dsb....
Tapi tau nggak....hujan sehari  itu menghapus panas setahun..hujan itulah yang membuat sejuk hati-hati yang gersang....
Karena itu...biarkan hujan datang tanpa suara, tanpa petir, guruh, guntur dan angin dan nikmati tiap tetesnya... dan saksikan pelangi yang dibawanya....


Friend is someone who can share every problems that coming toward us. 
She  always understand every smile, every tears, every laugh even, we never tell her about it....
She isn't perfect anymore...but when we grap her hand...every way is done perfectly....
And for you friend...what's kind of heart that i should give to you....?

Ketika semua kembali pada tempatnya......

I wrote this letter when I got tons of misunderstanding and I could reveal them by myself.

Ketika semua sudah kembali ke tempatnya
Paku-paku yang terlanjur terpalu meninggalkan bekasnya….
Tak mungkin memolesnya dengan kuas cat
Karena lubang itu terlalu dalam adanya…..

Ketika semua sudah kembali ke tempatnya
Ada sis hati ini yang bertanya ….kenapa…..
Mempertanyaka sejuta kidung yang pernah terurai lewat kata

Aku mulai termangu dalam eligi tanpa batas
Mempertanyakan pada diriku…apa arti semua ini…
Aku telah bersembunyi dalam karang …
Menyembunyikan bentukan endapan-endapan yang pernah tercipta…
Agar tak seorang pun tahu dan menemukannya
Tapi nyatanya kamu tahu itu….

Aku menangis tentang harapan kosong yang pernah kugenggam
Dalam diam dan tawa tanpa seorang pun tahu
Tapi nyatanya kamu tahu…
Seperti larut dalam homogenitas…aku mulai menghapus kekosongan dan menikmati pendar kunang.

Aku tak bermaksud menciptakan sebuah pemikiran…
Aku piker aku tenang dalam diam…
Tap kamu yang telah berhasil membangunnya…
Hingga aku terpekur dan kembali bertanya…

Tanpa permisi kamu datang…dan tapa pamit kamu pergi…
Pernahkah kamu berpikir kalau itu sakit…
Pernahkah kamu merasa kalau ini bukan game lucu yang bisa dijadikan hiburan
Dan semua kesalahpahaman yang kau tinggalkan…
Harus aku apakan?
Karena aku pun butuh penjelasan

Ketika kamu bilang akan menghentikan semuanya dan menyuruh membencimu
Kujawab dengan jujur bahwa aku tak akan bisa
Sedalam apapun luka itu, biar aku saja yag tau
Biar itu sembuh dengan caraku

Tapi andaikan kamu tahu…
Caramu itu sungguh membuat ornag lain terluka…
Selembut apapun kamu datang dan pergi
Hati perempuan itu tak akanteruku kelembutannya…

Dan aku ingin mengirim sebuah pertanyaan
Jika kamu tahu, jika kamu mengerti sejak awal…
Kenapa tidak dari awal kamu melakukannya?
Sebelum ada banyak tanda Tanya, dan sebelum ada tempat yang bergeser dari mulanya
Dan kenapa pergi tanpa penjelasan tanpa tanda maaf ketika semua sudah terjadi dan meninggalkan luka ……
Dan kini biarkan semuanya kembali ke tempatnya semula….

Actually, I should send this letter for someone….but when I thought twice…there’s something not necessary. I’ll send this letter to the God, and beg Him to tell the person that I meant with His way….
Tell him, God….that I really appreciate every single word that he send.....

H-38 XII A 2 Smansakra

Masa underpressure yang kami lewati bersama. Membuatku kadang ingin menarik waktu dan mengatakan pada mereka semua bahwa....sungguh aku sayang banget sama kalian....

The Reason

The Reason

Have you ever falling in love just on your side? Yes, It was very hurt right? And I couldn’t imagine how I could be like this for a long time. Saved this feeling lonely and secretly. It made some pain and absolutely made me very-really-extra crazy! Grrr!
Well, It was no problem if I admired a cover boy from famous magazine, a handsome actor who belief himself to be next awarded people or someone who got tons of medals. I would really appreciate my feeling. But in the truth, I just felt this feeling with the person who just cared about his thousands manga and comics. And liked playing around without thinking. And acted like a mooley. Shortly, I could guess the person I like was an anime freak with foolish face, and always got four in his math and science test.
Only one that I could thank from him, he had same name with my favorite singer, Nick Jonas. Yeah, although only his first name. Whatever! Didn’t compare both of them. Because Nick who become my friend was a cricket’s voice beside a pigeon’s song.
Everytime, my nizzle, Dira, always told me that Jenifer Lawrence’s face like me could catch every single boy that I want. From high level like Greyson Change (absolutely, she just made some hyperbole sense) or Luke Pasquilano (Okay, I should admit her knowledge about many popular actor in Europe).
“ …or for simple one. Dilon, the basketball leader. I suppose he is free at that time. Or Ryan…you know, the member of Science Olympiad. C’mon girl! Don’t waste your fabulous face and your clear brain!” She started provocating me.
I was still busy turning my magazine from page to page. Just noded  to make she sure that I heard her completely. Oh please…she had told me many until my ears blooding.
“So…tell me! Why you still keep your feeling toward him?”
I tried inhale more into my constricted lungs. Actually, I didn’t know how to answer the question. The reason why I did that thing because I just felt comfort when I was by his side. When we were talking or chatting via phone. I loved his jokes, his pity face when faced Mr Ghulom, our Math teacher or showed   off his ability in speech. And the most important  one, he was a person who could make me laugh freely with his funny act and forgot every problems that coming in my life.  Was the reason enough?
“Don’t you wanna to move on? C’mon…how about take apart in blind date?” She offered her big smile.
I hit her shoulder directly. “Crazy!” I laughed. “ And don’t forget, Dira…love can’t be forced.”
Suddenly, the boy who became our  usual topic appear and showed  off his unironed face. “Resty, help me please.”
“Why?” I started busy controlling my heart.
“I forget joining my remidial math test this afternoon. You know I got five in my last test. You have to help me Resty! Please!” He begged then blinked his eyes.
I laughed. “Ok!Ok! You win! So what’s the matter?”
He was smiled. Kicking  Dira from his bench then sat beside me. I watched over him while he told his problem. I  licked my saliva and tried controlling my heart beat and my unusual temperature. Oh please…not at that time. Stay normally, please.
“Resty, You know…I’m better spend my night to finish my comics  than do whole number in this damn books!”
Backed to real one. Well, Resty, how pity you’re! You loved a kind person like that. He never cared the girl who sat beside him was ex-cover girl a year before and absolutely fifth  rank in this class. And…he still talked about his manga.  And the most important that he didn’t look at you when was talking. Ghost!!!
To: Nick
Nick, could you help me join the social even next week?

I was typical person who would search some activity when I was free. Like that…I searched some topic to gain a chance chatting with him. I sent him some same message but two hours later I got no repayment from him. Damn! I turned my MP4 volume, so I could completely heard Taylor voice from it. I thought “Teardrops on My Guitar” really represent my feeling.
So…after he didn’t take care anymore to me in school for unknown reason, he also didn’t have any desire to replied my message? Was I so bothering for him?
Not only this day, he seemed avoid me as far as he could. And based my memory, He never called me again to solve his problems in math  or asked something after his last remedial test. I didn’t know why he should act like this. Actually he had no reason to hate me or had some  grudge.  So why and why?
I hugged my bunny. Then imagined the little doll was him.
“Agh!!! Why I should love you! A little jerk like you! Go to hell!” I threw my doll without thinking after hit it.  And at that time my Mom knocked my door.
“Honey, what’s happen?”
“Nothing, Mom. Just try to burn my heart on hell!” I said with cold and high tone. Sorry, Mom…I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please forgave me.
“Really? Dinner is ready, honey. Move down.”
“Yeah, Mom. Thanks. I just want be alone right now.” I put my doll then hit it again dan again. “You really a jerk!!!”
Agh… I knew well, that was my fault because I never told him about my feeling. But if all  of  you in my position, he was  looked so stupid, wasn’t he? Why he never realized my attitude when look at him  or offered him my smile. Couldn’t he see my feeling trough it?  Couldn’t he see my cheeks blushing when I  talked with him? Hiks…hiks…
He’s the reason for teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He’s the song in a car I keep singing
Don’t know why… I do….
I let the song  sung. Repeated it for many. I closed my head with bed cover. Hiding my eyes which started blurring.
“So…Am I looked  so depressed?” I swallowed  again my bakso for the third times. It was my characteristic when I suffered on big distress.
“Very terrible.” Dira answered. “Like a person who never got sleep in a week.”
I thought I would start crying. There wasn’t any other reason except the boy named Nick. Hiks! Hiks! How could be? How could be he done like this to me? He wasn’t only avoiding me but also tried to make me jealous( I could suppose like this because I really felt like this now) . I didn’t know  why he so close with my other classmates  (absolutely the other girls in my class). Played some joke with them and made some fun thing that he done with me before.  And he would leave in hurry if I approached him. It was so spiteful! Aghh!
“Shortly…you jealous, right?”
“Yes! Yes! YES! Absolutely! But  you know … I have not entitled to feel jealous with jerk like him. Because I’m not his girlfriend and he isn’t my boyfriend. And now  there’ s no friendship among us. ANYMORE! ” I really screamed. Tried to controlled  myself from jolting in front of the visitors in this canteen.
Dira speechless. Just sat looking dumbfounded. “Hey, be calm, please!”
“Okay, I’ll be calm. I feel really useless, you know. I spent whole of time to manage my heart belong him. Love a jerk, a dumb and a foolish person like him. And I got nothing…”
I threw my ass to the chair. I forgot that the chair in this canteen not kind of sofa. I kept to inhale normally. I remembered an accident some previous day. When Dira and me walked and passed along opposite way with Nick. I tried to call him like usual. But he turned his head and pretended that I was invisible thing.
Aghhh!!! He was so bright to break my heart.
“The problem solving from yours is very simple. Just shoot him, and everything gonna be clear,” Dira drink his juice slowly.
“I’m woman, Dira. And my dignity never permit me do it.”
Dira didn’t answer. She just carried her right elbow.
“Resty, my honey! Look around please! There’re many charming boys in this beautiful world. Don’t be stress just because of one. Move on! Move one. I think Ryan is better than him. As smart as you. More handsome than Nick.  And I think he loves you too.”  Dira looked serious.
Yeah, maybe I should move on. But.. “Love can not be forced, Dira. Remember?” I spoke with high volume and rather made Dira got some heart attack.
“Ok. Love can’t be forced. But you can force to him too.”
I hag myself. Tried blending Dira’s words. “Dira, could you help me please?”
“Tell Mr Ghulthom that I’m on medical room.”
I didn’t care if Dira grumbled or not. I just want to calm myself in other place where I couldn’t find that jerk.
Library. Early, I thought this place was the most peace place on my school. So I decided spending my math time in there. Not for studied or read something. Just for slept and made me more…and more calm. But when  I heard a familiar voice, my heart was burnt again.
“So…you hate her?”
That was Ari’s voice. My classmate and Nick’s tablemate.
“Absolutely not. How can I hate her? She is a kindhearted girl that I ever know.”
Ugh! And that the jerk’s voice. Nick. So both of them (and me) ran from Mr. Ghulom lesson. So interesting.
I focused my pupil. Tried to hide as well as possible and cheated what  became their’s topic.
“So, why you so cold to her? I thougt both of you is fighting,” Ari chocked.
“What? Resty and me?!  That’s impossible.”
I was really shock when Nick called my name. Okay, well …tell me what the hell was going on?
“I just… Resty….,” Nick mumbled. He turned his head to other point. Hiding his expression.
Ari hit his shoulders slowly. “Okay, I understand. You know… there are 3 reason why people keep their distance from other. First, he hate her so much. Second, You want to move on to others, and the last…you afraid of falling completely with her.”
Silence. I couldn’t hear any voice except my breath and my heart beat.
“You said you didn’t hate her anymore. So don’t chose the first reason,” Ari continued. “…I guess, you don’t have….”
“The third…,” Nick  cut Ari’s words.
WHAT?! He… I  was going to die at that time.
“The third. You know, I really afraid to completely  falling to her. She like a queen and I just a slave. How can I be dare to love the kind person like her? I just know how to read comics but she knows everything.  I can’t hurt her with my impossible feeling.”
“But, I think she was so care to you. I just…”
“She care to everyone that she knows. Not only me” Nick smiled.
“Then, you avoid her to hide your real feeling?” Ari asked. Nick noded.
I gripped my skirt. Made sure myself that I wasn’t in my halusination or delusion. That the words was true. Nick…so…he was.
“You can act like usual to her. Absolutely both of you is friend, isn’t it? Like you and me. Stop fighting.”
Nick laughed. “I’ve said before. I ‘m not fighting anymore. I can’t. My fear is when I so close to her I can’t control myself to tell her about my feeling. And make her mad because of it. And the end,  she will hate me, won’t she? There’s nothing can be my pride. ”
I tried to stop my tear that flow down slowly. Okay, Nick! It was enough.
Next day, I met him when I walked out from toilet. Like a day before, he just turned  his head  and  pretended  saw nothing in front of him. Then walked in hurry, left me behind. Was I looked like a vampire? Or something that made him so scary?
I breathe deeply. Okay! One of us should start the scene. Or we never  made a chance in our young life. I run after him and caught his arm. “Nick, I need talk to you. Something that should be share together.”
I looked at his eyes deeply. Tried to dive in his heart. “It’s so hard, isn’t it? Save secretly and lonely.” I continued.
“Eh? What do you mean?”
I smiled. Now, I’m only me when I’m with You from Taylor Swift was heard in my ears. Sung happily.
Karanganyar, 29 June 2012
Thanks to K 1412’s status

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