
If I wind....I can bring every single laugh and tears in the same way
Should I tell you like the same way when I was crying or laughing at that time?

Let's be a friend!!!

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         I was still sleepy when I looked at yard  from my room’s window. It was midnight and I awake for something that I I didn’t know. I just  was woken up because of bad dream and when I tried to close my eyes again, the damn eyes denied my order. So I stopped trying close it and decided to face my window. Threw my sight in surround. And…oh, Nope! She was again!
         There was a green dressed girl standing cross my house, just looked the house and didn’t do anything.  Hey…what did she do? In midnight with her lonely?
         Actually, it had been happened four times in this week.  I didn’t know why I should see the girl after I got my weird bad dream. At the first when I saw her, I thought something wrong with my eyes or just my halusination from my mind. But after the second, the third and now, I was surely with my sight.
         My eyes turned on other side. There was an Alphard entering my house and took place in garage, beside my bike. It was Dad. I was sure that he already backed after his bussiness abroad. After left me for a week. Yeah…he was very-really-extra busy man that I ever knew. I was  sure that he forget if he had a daughter in his luxurious house.
         I turned my eyes again and looked for the green dressed girl. Hey, she had gone. Where did she? I breath deeply.  Pulled my blanket and tried sleep again.
         “Hi, Dad. You’re back,” I tried to open conversation between us in dining room when breakfast.
         “Ah, yep. I will back to office soon and make meeting with my client about  my supermall.”
         “ I heard that place where will be built for your supermall is a right place to built a city forest and as infiltration area. Are you sure to build the building with the situation? I think it will danger to the ground’s stabilitation.”
         “Don’t worry, I’ll pay the compensation.” He said while prepared his phone to call someone.
         ”We don’t talk about business, Dad. But about our environment.”
         “Dinda, we can’t change the stabilitation in ecosystem, if we build one the building. Just one. But it will be  affected to our economy if we can’t produce a factory.
         “But, dad….”
         I kept my silence. Looked how fast he finish his breakfast, kissed my chubby check and say: see you later, dear.
         “Don’t say that you got the bad dream again.” Diana, my nizzle, hit my shoulders.
         “Shit! It’s hurt!” I grumbled.
         “ You always overwhelm when you get a bad dream or something disturb your mind," she whispered to me. Once, she drilled to Miss Anna, our Chemistry  teacher, and made herself sure that the killer teacher didn’t look to us and didn’t know her student chatting in  her lesson.
         “You right, I got it.”
         “ You mean that you is ran after by thousand trees. And they try to kill you?”I nodded.
         “Oh, C’mon baby…it’s just dream. And the dream in deep sleep never become true. And if you said that you saw the girl again…I will tell you again…, maybe she just a crazy girl who needs a home to stay.” She continued her words. Tried to make me calm.
         “I wish too.” I tried to recall my concentration in whiteboard. Listened the Miss Anna’s explanation about acid raid. But I gave up. I decided to throw my stare in yard. I was surprised by green dressed girl,  standing cross my school and looked deeply in this building. Oh, not anymore. She looked deeply in my eyes and then smiled.
         “She is here.” I gripped Diana’s hand.
         “What? Who?” She was really confused with my pale face. “Are you sick?” I shook my head.
         “She is here,” I was whispered quietly. I turned my sight, looking for her.  But, she had disappeared.

         “Are you sure that you can back home by yourself? You can leave together with me.” Diana offered me her motorbike when the lesson finish.
         “Thanks. There is no problem.”
         “Well, Ok! Call me if something wrong happen. See you.”
         “See ya….” I knew that she had a dating with her boyfriend and as her friend I couldn’t disturb their happiness. How kind, I’m, aren’t I?
         I was walked along the sidewalk while listened about Vanilla Twilight song which was sang by Owlcity from my phone. That was my favorite song in this time.
         Ah yep, I liked  to go school by foot or by bike. Enjoyed what I see along my way. Besides the school was near enough, I could reduce the pollution which was occurred in this world. 
         Just one thing which made me annoy. The warm temperature liked today. Yeah, I really know because of the global warming the cool area like Bandung became more suffocating than ten years ago. Looked to all cars which made full the road. How many carbon dioxide that they threw to atmosphere. And how big the ozon hole due the gas. I thought it would be better if all student from elementary to high school use their bike than rode a lux car or their motorcycle.
         I was sure that the government still solve the problems. But how about us?  Nothing.
         I threw my juice glass to the basket. I needed to cross the way to reach my house. I could take the bridge, but it was too far for me. So I cut my way and….
         “Watch out!!”
         There was the last sound that I heard before a car with high speed hit me from the right side.
         “There is an injured in her brain. We will do the best to save her life. But…you will better if you pray to God. I afraid just a miracle can make her turn back,” a doctor said with sadness in his face.
         “Please…save my daughter please…Do everything what you can”.
         Where is it? Heaven? I felt that my head turning down when I tried to awake. I was so confused with this. Where is it? There was really weird if this place still in Indonesia.
         Green was everywhere. I turned my stare around and shocked when saw hundreds birds fly easily in the fresh air.
         “Oh, you awake?”
         I turned my eyes and for seconds  I couldn’t blink this eyes anymore because of someone who stood up in front of me. The green dressed girl.
         “Don’t afraid. I just help you from the accident,” she held my hand and asked me to sit.
“Welcome to my home. There’s green, isn’t it?”
         “Whe-where is it?” with squack voice I asked to her.
         She didn’t answer anymore then smiled while said, “Change your clothes and let me take you around.”
         I knew her name from the past. I meant the green dressed girl. She was Tiara. Mutiara. Wow she had same name with my Mom who had passed away when she born me . Although Tiara didn’t tell me about her age, but from her face I knew that she had same age with me.
         I thought she was a clever girl. She told me everything surround us. Though I didn’t make question anymore.
         I still weird about this situation. Besides I didn’t  know where I am till now,  I was also felt that the girl was odd. But, actually I really  enjoyed everything here. Swear! That place really green every corner, with blue sky in the noon and sparkled star in the night. I never met the place like this in whole my life.  I forgot how long I spend my time to eat some mangoes in the top of trunk. Really sensational. I forgot how long I waste my time danced among butterflies in the noon and fireflies in the night.
         All day, A few days, a week…I didn’t remember how long. I just wished that the time was never over here and  I could live here forever. 
         “That’s very weird,” I said after I lied my ass under the Benjamin tree. Hey, the tree was looked so familiar. Where  was I see this?
         “You never tell me where is it?”
         She just smiled. “You will know. May be someday.”
         I threw my stare away. Looked deeply in the clear river which flew fluently. Wait for seconds… the river. I ever saw it…but in different appearance. But where….where…..
         “Yes, What….?”
         “We really need your help.”
         I carried my right elbow. What? “What? What you mean with ‘we’?”
         Tiara smiled. “We need the typical person like you.”
         I was sure that my braid unconnected. Because I could not translate the words that she mean.
         “The tree, the water, the sky, all of them need help from the person like you.” Tiara just stared at me deeply.
         Suddenly, I was remem-bered something. The Benjamin tree, the river.
         The river was a black river which flew stiffly in my elite dwelling. Many person really bothered with the smell from the river. It was caused because all of them threw every rubbish in it.
         Then, the Benjamin tree is a tree in my school which was cut down three years ago. The principal wanted to built a music studio inside the school so the tree was sacrificed.
         But how…the thing was here…?     
          “Ah, your memory keep back. I’ll send you back to your father. You stay here too long. He miss you so much.”
         “Tiara, what happen? How could… how can…?” I really didn’t understand with this way. I just looked at her glanced eyes.
         She held my hand and whispered something in my ear. “Please, help us.”
         “She  is still in comma condition more than a week. I’m afraid we can’t do everything for her.”
         “Doctor, please don’t say like this. My daughter must be save.”
         “I’m sorry Mr. Sanjaya.”
         “Oh, God…I swear I will do everything what she want if she can alive.
         I really missed what happen with me. When I opened my eyes I could saw Dad gripped my hand while cried. He said that he would do everything what I want.
         I realized that I was in hospital. In  ICU rooms with oxygen vacuum in my nose. Ah…the accident.            “Dinda, you awake. Doctor…please come in…. She’s awake.”
      Someday letter…………………….     
             ”Dad, you ever promised to God that you’ll do everything what I want.”  “Ah…this….”         
         “Just one thing. If you want I get out from the hospital as soon as possible and join the brain theraphy like your doctor supposed,  you should cancel your plan to built supermall.”
         “WHAT?! WHY?”
         “Dad there much reason that I told you before. If you still continue your plan you will find your daughter is buried slowly.” I said seriously to him. “I heard from your conversation with doctor, if  I don’t do this therapy, perhaps I will be unnormal girl and this wound  will be  affected to my motoric system. And the end I will die because of this.”
         With pale face, he blinked his eyes and approached me. “I know, dear. I can’t promised this time. But  I promise I will do what you want. But not now.”
         I was smiled. I knew, he could not lost his woman for the second, after my mom died.
         Some years letter, I became student in Nature Conservation faculty in the best university in Indonesia.  Someday when I visited my grandparents to my research in their village, I found something interesting when I helped them cleaning their warehouse. I found green dress like the dress whose Tiara had.              “Grandmom, whose this?”
         “Ah, its your Mom. When she still eighteen she loved the color very much. She always wore the dress while danced with fireflies in night in that river,” I turned my way to a river which was showed by Grandmom. “Ah…this is her photo, This taken when she married with your father.”         I looked the photo accurately. I couldn’t believe that. There was the same place where Tiara brought me. And….My mom was stood beautifully under moon light with her green dress. Smiled as same as with Tiara. So she is………
         October, 1 2011 (00.00 PM): El-Nina Zathura


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